$4,500.00 USD

Become an Intuitive Healing Practitioner / Transpersonal Coach


Become an Intuitive Healing Practitioner / Transpersonal Coach with DRT: Dream (Nightmares, Psychedelic & Sacred Plant Medicine Trance) Regression Technique

Turn your gifts into a thriving heart-centered business.

What you'll get:

  • 444 Training Hours in Lectures, Weekends, Live Coaching, & Additional Monthly Access to Breathwork Sessions for Personal Healing & Development
  • Beginners to advanced protocols to guide your clients to profound transformation.
  • Dreamwork from a Spiritual / Shamanic & Jungian aspects
  • Breathwork experience (Heal the Healer)
  • Age Regression
  • Wound Regression & Rebirthing from a Shamanic & Therapeutic Perspective
  • Past life regression training and practice.
  • Spirit Releasement & ET Implant removal training and practice.  
  • Shamanic Training of Spirit Releasement / Energy Releasement 
  • Live monthly calls.
  • Access to weekly open hours to ask questions about what you are learning!
  • Mastermind to collaborate and grow your business (or life design mastery)

5 spots left